Thursday, March 12, 2009

Criminal Minds - S04E17


Agent Prentiss has a personal connection to one of the victims in a series of deaths with religious overtones.

CSI New York - S05E17

Green Piece
11 march 2009

The CSI’s will need to pick up the pieces to find a bomber after a pipe bomb goes off. Also Danny has a surprise for Lindsay.

CSI Miami - S07E17

Divorce Party
09 march 2009

A party thrown by a woman celebrating her divorce takes a turn for the worst when the dead body of her ex-husband is found. Meanwhile, Kyle is protected by Horatio because of Julia’s erratic behavior.

Kyle XY - S03E09

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

09 march 2009

Kyle risks losing Cassidy’s trust when he begins a deception aimed at discovering Latnok’s true purpose, and Jessi, devastated by their discovery, has a hard time putting aside her emotions. Elsewhere, Josh plans a perfect farewell for Andy.

Heroes - S03E19

Shades of Gray

09 march 2009

While Nathan helps Matt defuse an explosive situation, Sylar finally catches up to Samson Gray for a father-and-son chat.

24 - S07E13

Day 7: 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
02 march 2009

When Dubaku’s evil plan escalates to General Juma, the stakes are raised and steadfast President Taylor faces a deepening foreign-policy dilemma. Meanwhile, heroic sacrifices are made and casualties stack up when Jack Bauer takes charge as a high-impact terror threat develops stateside and the nation remains at risk.

Two and a Half Men - S06E17

The ‘Ocu’ or the ‘Pado’?
10 march 2009

Charlie’s admission that he’s in love with Chelsea gets a surprising reaction from her.

American Dad - S04E12

Roy Rogers McFreely
08 march 2009

When Stan forgets to pick up grenadine at the grocery store, Roger goes ballistic and vows to get him back by taking over a project close to Stan’s heart - the Homeowner’s Association. When Roy Rogers McFreely is appointed chairman of the association and starts to abuse his power, Stan, Hayley and Steve lead the opposition to preserve the small town’s “American” values and take the community back from “the man.”

Desperate Housewives - S05E16

"Crime Doesn’t Pay"
09 march 2009

In a gesture of friendship, Bree tells Lynette she’ll help Tom secure a new job, but the best intentions will reach a tempestuous end and reveal Orson’s shameful misdeeds. Gaby finds herself in a precarious position when Carlos’ adulterous boss begins using her to cover for himself as he continues to cheat on his wife. Meanwhile, Edie digs into Dave’s past after a chance encounter with an old acquaintance.

Family Guy - S07E08

"Family Gay "
08 march 2009

To make money and pay off his debts, Peter participates in medical experiments, including one that makes him gay. He winds up in a relationship with another man and leaves Lois and the family brokenhearted, however, they realize the important thing is that Peter is happy.

The Simpsons - S02E12

"No Loan Again, Naturally"
09 march 2009

When the adjustable rate on Homer’s home mortgage (taken out to pay for Homer’s annual Mardi Gras parties) increases drastically and Homer can’t make the payments, 742 Evergreen Terrace is sold…to Ned Flanders, who rents it back to Homer…at least until Homer demands that Flanders repair the house.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Ghost Whisperer - S04E17

"Delusions of Grandview"

Sam o ajuta pe Melinda sa afle ce se intampla cu o clasa de copii de gradinita inainte ca acestia sa fie raniti.

Download subtitrare aici.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Lost - S05E08


CSI - S09E16

"Turn, Turn, Turn"

Cei din CSI sunt chemati la locul unei crime intr-un hotel familiar tuturor. Nick intampina dificultati in a pune cap la cap probele a trei crime separate care s-au petrecut simultan.

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Knight Rider 2008 - S01E17

"I Love the Knight Life"

Mike si KITT incearca sa dea de urma unui ser care maximizeaza recipientele din punct de vedere fizic, ser ce a fost furat si care trebuie gasit inainte de a ajunge pe maini gresite. Cu ajutorul asistentului din laboratorul de cercetare, Billy afla cateva informatii despre ser care il vor ajuta pe Mike atunci cand se va afla fata in fata cu puternicul de acum hot. Intre timp, Sarah este coplesita cu sarcinile sale si realizeaza rapid cata de cata munca este nevoie pentru a reinstitui Fundatia pentru Lege si Guvern.

Download subtitrare aici.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

24 - S07E12

7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Atunci cand planul diabolic al lui Dubaku escaladeaza catre seful lui, generalul Juma, miza creste iar presedintele Taylor infrunta o dilema politica serioasa. Intre timp, incercarea lui Jack Bauer de a descoperi conspiratiile din interiorul guvernului are consecinte critice. In timp ce adversarul acestuia din guvern, senatorul Mayer, se indreapta catre Casa Alba pentru o intalnire, un alt atac terorist e pe cale sa se produca...

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Two and a Half Men - S06E16

"She’ll Still Be Dead At Halftime"

Charlie trebuie sa scoata o femeie pe jumatate dezbracata din dormitorul lui inainte ca Chelsea sa ajunga....

Download subtitrare aici.

Kyle XY - S03E08

"Tell-Tale Heart"

Ceea ce Jessi si Kyle gasesc in seiful lui Cassidy ii indruma sa caute adevarul despre Sarah Emerson insa metoda lui Jessi ii poate pune viata in pericol. Acasa, Declan in sfarsit isi pune piciorul in pamant iar Josh deja il rateaza pe Andy.

Download subtitrare aici.

24 - S07E11

6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Atunci cand planul diabolic al lui Dubaku escaladeaza catre seful lui, generalul Juma, miza creste iar presedintele Taylor infrunta o dilema politica serioasa. Intre timp, incercarea lui Jack Bauer de a descoperi conspiratiile din interiorul guvernului are consecinte critice. In timp ce adversarul acestuia din guvern, senatorul Mayer, se indreapta catre Casa Alba pentru o intalnire, un alt atac terorist e pe cale sa se produca...

Download subtitrare aici.

Heroes - S03E18


Matt primeste un pont de la "Rebel" si se indreapta spre cladirea 26 impreuna cu Peter pentru a salva-o pe Daphne si sa gaseasca fisierele care complotul lui Nathan. Intre timp, The Hunter isi pune planul in aplicare, plan ce se termina cu un final exploziv.

Download subtitrare aici.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Simpsons - S02E11

"How the Test Was Won"

Bart obtine un scor perfect la o simulare a unui test privind realizarile nationale care nu numai ca o deranjeaza pe Lisa, insa apare o surpriza in sensul ca Bart va participa la o petrecere speciala in loc sa sustina testul in sine. Intre timp, Homer trebuie sa evite sa se accidenteze o intreaga dupa-amiaza deoarece nu a reusit sa-si plateasca asigurarea..

Wolverine And The X Men - S01E19

"Guardian Angel"

M.R.D. duce lucrurile prea departe atunci cand aripile lui Angel sunt serios avariate. Oferindu-si ajutorul, Mister Sinister il transforma pe Angel in Archangel..

American Dad - S04E11

"Live and Let Fry "

Stan se vede nevoit sa se desparta de mancarurile lui preferate, fiind un exemplu prost pentru restul familiei sale atunci cand intr-un mod ostentativ incalca regulile trecand granita folosindu-l pe Steve pentru a-si satisface propriile dorinte.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Legend of the Seeker - S01E13


Adevarul adapostit de o legenda milenara despre Kieran este dezvaluit...

Download subtitrare aici.